Big Easter Thanks

April 25, 2011 by cloften  
Filed under Bible, Church and Leadership

What a great day yesterday!  Our first Easter together at the Grove Church and our first go at 3 services.  We came home pretty tired, but it was a good kind of tired.

First some stats:

We had almost 500 people at the Grove Church and I would estimate about 1/4 to 1/3 of those were visitors

There were at least 3 people that indicated that they became followers of Jesus

Many more came up and talked to me or others about decisions and recommitments that they made

Now some thanks.

Thanks to everyone who was there all 3 services.  I know that on a day when a lot of people want to make it a day for family, you made it a day for your church family and serving others.  The worship/tech guys were there from around 7 to 1.  I also know that there were several people that rather than doing the normal serve one service/worship one service did the serve 2/worship 1.  You made a huge difference in the lives of people yesterday.

Thanks to the umbrella men.  All of the people and visitors that came were during a downpour.  One thing I noticed was that almost no one was wet.  Well, when I say no one, I am of course excluding the men that were holding the umbrellas.  You guys helped the church make a great first impression.  Even before one song was sung or word spoken, people were thinking that we were a church that loves and serves people.

Thanks to everyone who served anywhere, anytime yesterday.  There were over 50 people that took time yesterday to serve and everyone one of you made a huge difference in the lives of people.  Everyone working together from the parking lot to the Greenhouse to the worship to the info cafe to the greeters did their small part and all together you guys did a big thing.

Thanks to everyone who went to the 8:30 and 11:30 services.  We knew that the 10:00 service would be packed, and it was.  However it was not near as packed as I thought it might be.  This is because many of you chose to go to a service that was less convenient.  It may seem like a small thing, but all 3 services felt full, but everyone always had a seat.

Thanks to everyone who brought a friend, especially those that don’t know Jesus.  You are investing in people and you will see God do amazing things in your lives and theirs.  You probably already have.

Finally thanks to the staff and their families.  I know that this was a challenging couple of weeks and it got highly stressful at times.  It is great being on a team with you and there is no way we could have done yesterday without any of you and your hard work.  Thanks also to your families who often work just as hard or at a minimum forget what their spouses/parents look like.

It was an incredible day and I look forward to many, many more with all of you.