You keep quoting that parable. I do not think it means what you think it means.

December 3, 2009 by cloften  
Filed under Family and Parenting

There is a well-used Christian expression (I really love Christian expressions, if by love you mean get highly annoyed by) that comes from a parable in Matthew 20, the parable of the workers in the vineyard.  Read here. In this parable, Jesus talks about a vineyard owner who is hiring people to work for him.  He hires people first thing in the morning and agrees to pay them a day’s wage (a denarius).  He keeps going back throughout the day, hiring more people, but he doesn’t say what he will pay those who only work part of the day.  Finally he goes back at the end of the day with only one hour left to work, or “the 11th hour.” (There’s our expression)  He tells them that he will pay them what is fair.

After the day is over, he starts paying everyone.  Starting with those who only worked an hour, the owner ends up paying everyone the same amount–a full day’s wage. The men who worked the whole day were outraged that they got paid the same as those who worked an hour.  The landowner’s response is like a punch in the face:

‘Friend, I am not being unfair to you. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you. Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’

The parable is referring to people who come into God’s kingdom.  When many of us quote this, we think of it in terms of when you came to faith.  So someone who comes to faith in the “11th hour” is someone who follows Christ at the end of their life.  The application of the parable then is for those of us who came to faith earlier to not be resentful of those who find God later. “Berrrnnnn”(That’s onomatopoeia for loud annoying game show buzzer sound)

Jesus is talking to the Pharisee’s.  Jewish people are the one’s who have been in the vineyard all day.  People new to the kingdom–the Church, Gentiles are the ones who come in at the end.  That’s you.  Regardless of when you came to faith, you are one who has come in at the 11th hour.  The payment that you have received for your time in God’s vineyard is way more than you deserve.  That is why it is referred to as gift (Romans 6:23).  Nothing you have done merits or earns the favor and gift of eternal life that God offers.

If you start identifying yourself with the people who have been working in the field all day, you can fall into the trap of the Pharisees where you begin to believe that you have earned God’s favor.  You haven’t.  It is a generous gift from a loving God.


3 Responses to “You keep quoting that parable. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
  1. Charlie,

    It’s been a long time! If you don’t remember me, David Felio lived with me for a summer back in college.

    I must respectfully disagree with your assessment of this passage. At the end of Matthew 19, Jesus begins speaking directly to his disciples (not the Pharisees). Peter asked, “What is for us?” Jesus answered him saying the many of the last shall be first and the first shall be last. Matthew 20:16 repeats this phrase. He is talking to believers.

    Peter was concerned about how Jesus was witnessing to the rich man and what that meant for the disciples. They had already given up their wealth to follow Jesus. What then, if a rich man just drops everything he owns and follows? Does he get more heavenly reward? Does he get less? Peter basically turns the conversation back to himself by asking, “how does this affect us?”

    Jesus tells them that God’s fairness does not resemble man’s “fairness.” Simply trust God to do the right thing, and be happy that you are in God’s Kingdom. Don’t worry about other’s rewards from God. Be happy for your own.

    The Pharisees would never have asked for their “wages.” They were too prideful for that. They thought they owned heaven (and earth) anyway. Jesus’ parable would have been lost on them.

  2. cloften says:

    Point well taken. I believe I was getting the context of this parable confused with the prodigal son. However, I would like to continue to emphasize that we are all “11th hour” people. People who are not getting a fair wage but are recipients of God’s generosity. Thanks Rodney.

    Plus, I read all the way through Matt. 21 this morning that ends with the parable of the tenants where the tenants beat the servants and kill the sons. I had that context in my head when I went back and wrote my thoughts on this. Anyway, thanks.

  3. I think your message is right on. The bottome line is the same: God is fair and we should trust that. Salvation is a gift, never to be earned.
    There is always somebody else who has served God longer or done more good works. I should be thrilled that God doesn’t give me what I deserve!
    Thanks, Charlie.

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