Words we love to misfrounounce
December 28, 2009 by cloften
Filed under General Insanity, Silliness and Rants
Post your comments here for the Words We Love to Misfronounce List
December 28, 2009 by cloften
Filed under General Insanity, Silliness and Rants
Post your comments here for the Words We Love to Misfronounce List
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Friends quote: Did they go to the store? Supposably!
I use this all the time not caring if it’s a really word or not. My friends give me a hard time about using a word that is not a real word. I am now going to let them know that it is a real word, it’s just bad grammar!
Thanks buddy!
#5 was my fav-o-rite!
I’ll try to send your birfday card to the correct add dress!
I chuckled several times through this episode. #8 has Paul written all over it! But apologies should also be made to “pacific” when “specific” is intended. However, since it is a misUsed word instead of a misPronounced word, it may be for another time… Along with my personal pet peeve of “there their & they’re”. Oh, and the lack of punctuation in written communication!!
Thanks for another laugh!
~Stephanie Osborne
“warsh” instead of “wash”
“like” instead of “said”
I get a lot of: “of a mornin I get a lot crusties in my eye”. Of a mornin?
What about cut-on,Like will you cut on my lights.Don’t understand I’ve heard of cut off my lights but not cut on my lights.Or Western Sizzler instead of Western Sizzlen.Just a few I would let you know about that I’ve heard.