Grove Town Hall Part 1
November 29, 2010 by cloften
Filed under Bible, Church and Leadership
Well, I was gone from just about everything for a week. When I got back, I discovered that the audio from the Town Hall meeting was no good. Like Kip (would his last name be Dynamite as well?), I do love technology. But sometimes it is problematic. So, we shall remedy this by using other technology to get it to you. The more I think about it though, this is probably better for you. I would rather read a series of blog posts than listen to me talk for an hour. That’s because I think my voice is annoying. I’m sure you do as well. Thanks for your patience.
Anywho, I will take some time this week and put different themes we talked about here on the old blog. This way, if you weren’t there, you can catch up. First, of course, you need to see this video–Have you been to the Grove? We opened the Town Hall with that. Now that I have lowered your expectations, here is the first part of what we talked about:
More than anything, I really want to thank everyone for how kind everyone has been in our transition. It’s not easy making a move like this, especially with 12 and 9 (now 10 and almost 13) year old girls. You have loved us well and we have loved getting to know you guys. With the exception of our house not selling, this transition has gone about as well as it could. Everyone in our family has very quickly felt a part of the Grove Church.
I have also enjoyed building relationships with the elders and staff. I have always believed that one of the foundational pieces to a healthy church is the relationship among the staff and elders. Thankfully this has not been hard work. It has been easy and a lot of fun to be able to get to know these great men and women, and I believe fairly quickly we have been able to become good friends.
The last four months (That’s right, it has only been 4 months. Actually, it won’t be 4 months until Wednesday, but who’s counting?) have been an exciting time for the church as well. We have seen an attendance growth of about 70% from the same time last year. I know that it has been a hard year for the Grove and that is was a difficult transition. I hope that it feels good to have some good momentum in the church.
We also have relaunched a youth (I know you are supposed to call it student ministry, but I get that confused with college students, so for now, youth it is) ministry. We have started small, because that is what we are right now. We have a guys small group and a girls small group. Big thanks to Ty Carlson and Leah Burry for getting those kicked off. They are both huge answers to prayer.
We have also seen a tremendous growth in the number of college students coming to the Grove. Several people have asked me what we have done to see so many college students this fall. The assumption has been that there must have been some kind of intentional strategy or recruitment campaign. There hasn’t been. I invited a handful of students that came from Fellowship Bible in Little Rock and that’s it. What has happened has been an example of the power of enthusiasm and word of mouth. Students have been bringing students. I believe we have created an worship environment with quality music, friendly people and a relational teaching style that has been very attractive to college students. BTW, this style is also very attractive to families and singles. It’s just that word of mouth and enthusiasm moves much quicker among students. As of now, we do not have a formal college ministry. We have a few small groups and we are planning perhaps quarterly events (we have had a lunch so far). We want to start slowly.
This is a ministry principle that we are using everywhere. Let’s do one thing well before trying to do two things well. We don’t want to try to do every ministry possible. Also, let’s not try and do everything imaginable within ministries, like children’s, youth, etc. Let’s do the core well first and then do the next thing well.
Well, part one has been mostly update. Later to come, we will talk about our facility challenges, our financial situation, getting to the next level in the Greenhouse/kids ministry and most importantly the process we are in crafting a new mission statement. Talk to you tomorrow.