Grove Weather/Parking Update
February 5, 2011 by cloften
Filed under Bible, Church and Leadership
Hey Everyone,
If you are reading this then you probably know that we are having both services at The Grove tomorrow. Some people want to know if there is an official inclement weather policy. If I were the kind of guy to have an official policy, it would be something like, “Unless it’s really bad, we are having church. Even if it’s bad, we’ll probably still have one service.” How’s that for official?
This is not our way of saying, “We don’t care how dangerous it is, you had better come to church.” It’s more like, “Be safe out there. If you can make it, we are here.”
If you haven’t been out, most of the main roads are doing great. Some of the side roads still have gunk on them. Drive slowly and you should be OK. The Grove parking lot, on the other hand, is a bit of a mess. We’ve been working this afternoon on it, and our pledge is that the walkways will be safe. Outside of all 3 entrances will be clean. We suggest that you drop your crew off at the front door and go park somewhere and be careful. If you have kids, you can drop off kids at the back by the playground or the side door that we don’t typically use. There will be guys in the parking lot to help you out. (If you want to be one of those guys, let me know)
Whatever you do, be careful. We will be here at both services: 9:15 and 11. Hope to see you there.