American Idol, Chicago Auditions

Here is a stream of consciousness collection of tweets/posts from Tuesday January 19th.

Seriously, you get an opportunity to be on national TV and you drop f-bombs and give the finger. Stay classy, America.

In an effort to keep up with Jillian and Biggest Loser, Simon starts offering family therapy.

Team Over the Top Broadway Seacrest stalker/Pass out on the floor, even that was too much for me and I love the crazy people

TEAM FELLOWSHIP, TEAM CHARITY VANCE. Text vote to some number right now for practice.

I don’t think they gave crazy accordion lady a chance. I think she should go far.

Team Angela Auditions a lot/Traffic Violation. Lauren: I bet she has quite a collection of those golden tickets.

Despite my (occasional) quippiness, it really does hurt when the people who think they can sing get laughed out of the room. (See Team Big Guy in White Outfit who screeched like an owl)

Team Tiny Tim/I sing for the troops/Subsitute Teacher. I vote joke. What do you think? (His walkaway, made it obvious)

BTW, if I can talk Adam Hambrick into auditioning next summer, I’m going with him. Anyone got any ideas for what my audition schtick could be?

White hat, Rocky theme music. No way they are setting us up for a ridiculous audition. . .What? I’m shocked. Hey, it was his allergies. Wait, again. Is he really crying? Knot in the stomach now.

Team Inappropriate Banter with Shania: Didn’t think it was that good. I think he got in because everyone else was so bad.

Girlified, is that what you call when the women in your life overwhelm you, guilt you and make you change your mind about something? If so, I have been girlified many, many times.

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